Who is him?
The leader of the Yagyu family, he's famous as a tactician as well as a swordsman, making both a good warrior and a good scholar. His actions are in the name of his family, and he is always rational. Few people know of his true feelings. The Yagyu family is know for its swordsmanship, but it seems some of them move around in the shadows just as much as ninjas do.
(Note): This walktrough only works on the paid version
.. Enjoy the game & the guy of course
Episode 1
Thank him
Wha, What!?
Episode 2
Don't touch me!
That's cute!
Episode 3
Speak up
You poor thing
Episode 4
Not true
Episode 5
Shake head
It feels strange
Episode 6
Keep talking!
...I don't know
Episode 7
...I'm scared
You did right!
Episode 8
Your thoughts?
You liar!
Episode 9
Take off my...?!
Episode 10
I'm sorry...
I'm shaking...
Episode 11
Does it hurt?
Don't tell me!
Episode 12
We part tonight?
The code?
Episode 13
Don't die...
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